‘A numerous and dynamic group‘, IP Law Firm IPQore is a pinnacle flight exercise that protects and enforces IP property from submitting and prosecuting patent and change mark applications, thru to IP litigation, frequently regarding landmark cases. The recognition of the esteemed exercise head, precedes him for his mastery of all elements of IP safety and enforcement and his contributions to coverage matters.
Based in Gurgaon, It additionally employs more than a few technology to make sure customers’ IP property are tracked and protected. Our numerous technical understanding guarantees excessive first-class offerings for our customers throughout all industries and technical disciplines. For extra statistics on Technical Teams, please talk over with Technical Fields and for extra statistics on Patents, please talk over with our IP Knowledge Base.
E-mail: shweta.s@ipqore.com
Website: www.ipqore.com
Contact No: +91 981 082 3233